NEW President’s Message August 2022

Dear Members of Oregon VFW Auxiliary.


As President of this fine organization, I will do all I can muster to do to help struggling Auxiliaries. My Theme this year is BEE ALL YOU CAN BE FOR VETERANS AND THEIR FAMILIES!


We are here for the Veterans and their family members.


We are here for the communities in which we live and for the children that will be replacing us in the near future.


We are here for each other whether it is for moral support and strength when they don’t have as much as they need.


We are here to help recruit others to help us do the mission we raised our hands to do when we signed the membership card and paid the dues required.


I understand that some of our members are more mature than we are and possibly not in the best of health—mind and/or body. I urge all members who show up for meetings, trainings and other functions to reach out and contact your other members. Find out when their birthdays are and send them a card. Send them a Thinking of You card with some information on the programs that the Auxiliary is working on. Perhaps if more members reach out to more members, we will let them know we think of them more than on the one day their dues are due, and they might be able to assist you/us.


Writing this I see where I can also improve my communication to my own members. For a number of years I sent a newsletter letting the members know what we are up to and promised them I would keep them in the loop. I did one more and then life happened! I am not chewing anyone out, I am trying to help remind all of us, me included, that we can try a little harder.


I had a conversation with an auxiliary member just this morning and could hear in the persons voice that she is tired and ready to throw in the towel. I promised her I would do my best to help her auxiliary get revitalized. I told her the Department had Recruiting Boxes with all the information needed to help recruit more members to help them in their area. I asked her to call and get more than five members at her next meeting and tell them that this year’s President is with them and does not want to see them fold.


Having belonged to two different Districts since 1979, I understand what it feels like to not belong to the same District you worked hard in for years. I looked forward to helping in any capacity I could to keep my Auxiliary going and even assisted the Post and taught them what they should/could be doing when they had questions. 


When we went through redistricting not too long ago, I still look forward to helping the new District with what needs to be done to help Veterans and their families.


I ask all of the Department of Oregon Auxiliary members to look into what can you do to help. Challenge the anger and disappointment you have with the situation you are in and reach out and help other struggling Auxiliary members. Oregon does not need to lose anymore members.


Hopefully the members who attend our Training Academies are coming away with a new commitment to growing your own Auxiliary, District and Department.


If anyone has any ideas on what Linda Rose could be having available on the Ways and Means table to sell, let her know. She is a hard worker for the Department and I know she would listen.


Thanks to all the members who made the first Training Academy a success. There is always something new to learn or something new you can teach others. Keep attending and don’t forget to pass on the information to your own Auxiliaries.


Take care sisters and brothers and Bee All You Can Be For Veterans and Their Families.

Remember to Serve Those Who Served and remember  Hands that Serve, Hearts that Care is what we are all about.




Debby Fawver, Department of Oregon VFW Auxiliary President



Flag Etiquette

When saying the Pledge of Allegiance, when a US flag is presented (at parades or whenever the US flag is used in floor work to escorts officers and guests) and when singing the National Anthem.  The code states that civilians should stand to attention with right hand over heart (the heart salute), while military personnel in uniform and veterans (no uniform required) should salute throughout.  Many of you know that sometimes we have smaller US flags (these are called banner flags) as part of the ritual and parades.  These banner flags do not need to be saluted.




The Oregon VFW Auxiliary was founded for the sole purpose of serving those who have protected our country and see that they are protected in return. How do we achieve this goal?

By reaching out with help in communities across America.


Offering an innovative program

Standing up for veteran’s rights in Washington, D.C.

We can’t do this without your generosity.

Please consider a tax-deductible donation to your Oregon VFW Aux.