What a great National Convention that we had this year in Kansas City.  We just got back from a very great week in the land of KC BBQ.  We have another Auxiliary member from the Western Conference in the National Line as Guard.  The members elected Kim Harney from the great state of Arizona for this position.  I know that she will do a great job for the Auxiliary.


Please make plans to come to one of the Training sessions in Creswell, Redmond, Oregon City or Pendleton this next month.  There was a new by-law that passed at convention that I want you to have the complete rules so that you won’t get in trouble when you start to use the new system.  If you can’t come to a training session, I will be having some Zoom trainings next month and I will explain a lot there.  These Zoom trainings won’t just be for Treasurers, they will be for anyone in the auxiliary.  I will try to get them set up in the near future so please be watching


Please remember that until the end of August, you only have to send me $9.50 for dues for your annual members.  That is the reason that we get our dues notices out early so that you can get a lot of your members paid early.  After the end of August you will need to send me $10.00 for each annual member.


Thank you for all that are getting new members in and getting the applications in, this will really help Debby’s year to get started off on a good way. Just remember to fill out the applications completely when you send them in.  It stops the process and I have to send them back if not done properly.


As of July 28, 2022 we have 9 districts and 24 Auxiliaries that haven’t paid their bond.  We need to have these all paid by the end of August, 2022.  All auxiliaries bonds will expire at that time and you need a new one.  If you are having trouble getting on MALTA, finding where to get to the bond or anything, please let me know and I will help you out and get your bond taken care of.


Also any treasurer that is new needs to fill out a 8822B from the IRS.  Please let me know if you can’t find it or it you need any information for the form.  Just remember I am here to help you if you need me.  If I don’t know the answer, I will find it.

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